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NCEA Bishop’s C OF E Primary

A note from our Headteacher

Welcome to NCEA Bishop’s Primary School! We are based at the Josephine Butler Campus in Ashington alongside Duke’s Secondary School, Castle School and the NCEA Trust headquarters. We serve the wards of Ashington Central, College and Hirst and have capacity for over 510 children aged 3-11 years. At Bishop’s Primary, we celebrate the uniqueness and talents of every child. Our team of professionals care about the children in our care and we have high expectations of behaviour and achievement in all areas and therefore focus equally on the personal, social and academic development of all of our pupils. Our state-of-the-art campus boasts a range of fabulous facilities and opportunities both indoors and outdoors to provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment We hope you find the information on our website useful. If you have any questions however, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Mrs C Marriott, Headteacher

"My lighthouse, my lighthouse, shining in the darkness, I will follow You."

Rend Collective

"“I’m so small,” said the mole. “Yes,” said the boy, “but you make a huge difference.”"

Charlie Mackesy

Bishop’s Primary School

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Calling all girls in Year 6!

Calling all girls in Year 6! ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago
Another fabulous holiday course for the Half term.

Another fabulous holiday course for the Half term. ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago
Y4 visited the Discovery Museum this week. The children loved the Science Maze where they could make circuits and experiment with sound (which is what they have been learning about in Science this year). We also took a look at the new exhibit Steam to Green which explores the story of energy in the North East. The children really enjoyed seeing the wind turbines and solar panels that they have been learning about in their Enquiry work.Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Y4 visited the Discovery Museum this week. The children loved the 'Science Maze' where they could make circuits and experiment with sound (which is what they have been learning about in Science this year). We also took a look at the new exhibit 'Steam to Green' which explores the story of energy in the North East. The children really enjoyed seeing the wind turbines and solar panels that they have been learning about in their Enquiry work. ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

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Kirsty Dickinson

Y4 visited Newcastle Cathedral for a Christingle service this week. This year was a little bit different as it was an eco-Christingle service with a focus on being environmentally friendly. Instead of the traditional Christingle oranges, the children planted seeds in biodegradable pots, decorated them with fruits and lit a candle on top.How can you be more eco-friendly at home? Diocese of Newcastle, Church of EnglandImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Y4 visited Newcastle Cathedral for a Christingle service this week. This year was a little bit different as it was an 'eco-Christingle' service with a focus on being environmentally friendly. Instead of the traditional Christingle oranges, the children planted seeds in biodegradable pots, decorated them with fruits and lit a candle on top.
How can you be more eco-friendly at home?
Diocese of Newcastle, Church of England
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3 weeks ago

School Closure

As the most recent forecast from the Met Office is now predicting 80mph winds and a peak later in the day, there is significant danger that we could open school this morning but we be dismissing pupils whilst the winds are at their strongest. At 80mph, this poses a very significant danger to anyone travelling, so the Trust have taken the very difficult decision to close school today.

As many other schools are nurseries are closing and some staff will be travelling from areas where the winds are even stronger, we have also taken into consideration that we may not be able to fully staff the school today, therefore we are making the decision to close.

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this will cause, but our decision has been to prioritise the health and safety of our pupils.

Pupils can access work from Marvellous me, Purple Mash or Tapestry.
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3 weeks ago
The latest copy of our newsletter will be coming out tomorrow and we are excited to tell you all about our Forest School!

The latest copy of our newsletter will be coming out tomorrow and we are excited to tell you all about our Forest School! ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago
Welcome back to all of our staff and students! We hope youre all feeling refreshed, energised and excited to begin a new term. Lovely to see everybody again in this brand new year.

Welcome back to all of our staff and students! We hope you're all feeling refreshed, energised and excited to begin a new term. Lovely to see everybody again in this brand new year. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

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2 months ago
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